We are not happy here
because we are not at home here.
We aren't happy here
because we aren't supposed to be happy here.
We are "like foreigners and strangers in this world"
Take a fish
and place him on the beach.
Watch his gills gasp and scales dry.
Is he happy?
How do you make him happy?
Do you cover him with a mountain of cash?
Do you get him a beach chair and sunglasses?
Do you bring him Playfish magazine and martini?
Do you wardrobe him in double-breasted fins
and people-skinned shoes?
Of course not.
then how do you make him happy?
You put him back to his element.
You put him back in the water.
He will never be happy on the beach simply
because he wasn't made for the beach.
And you will never be completely happy on earth simply
because you weren't made for earth.
you'll have your moments of joy.
You'll catch glimpses of light.
You'll know moments or even days of peace.
But they simply do not compare with the happiness that lies ahead.
This may seem absurd to you right now.
"I'm happy with my boyfriend," you say.
"I'm happy with my all-night video gamefests with my buddies," you contend.
Admit it---
While those are great, happy times,
what happens when the newness fades?
What happens when your boyfriend doesn't give you
the same attention he used to?
What happens when your friends start to annoy you
and wish they'd all go home?
Even when we do happen upon eartly pleasures,
the happiness is usually temporary at best.
we're on the look-out again,
our eyes peeled for the next perk in our existence.
Sometimes we doubt His cares for us
because we confuse oue desires with our needs.
When our desires do unmet,
despite having all we really need,
we're disappointed.
Disappointed with what we perceive as a lapse in care.